Privacy Policy

This privacy policy has been crafted to address concerns regarding the use of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) online. PII, as defined by US privacy law and information security, includes data that can identify, contact, or locate an individual, either alone or when combined with other information. Please review this policy carefully to understand how we collect, use, protect, and manage your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.

Information Collection: We collect information when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey, or engage with certain site features. This information allows us to serve you better and includes details you provide directly.

Data Protection: We prioritize your security. While we don’t use vulnerability scanning or PCI standards, we employ regular Malware Scanning to safeguard your interaction with our content. We neither ask for nor process credit card information, and we do not use an SSL certificate.

Use of Cookies: We utilize cookies to enhance your browsing experience. These small files enable us to recognize your browser, personalize content, understand your preferences, and gather aggregate data to improve our services. You can manage cookie settings through your browser preferences; however, disabling cookies may impact certain site functionalities.

Third-party Disclosure and Links: We do not trade, sell, or transfer your Personally Identifiable Information to outside parties. Our website does not incorporate third-party products or services.

Google Services: We use Google AdSense Advertising and implement tools like Remarketing and Google Display Network Impression Reporting. Google employs cookies (like DART) to provide tailored ads based on user visits across various sites. Users can manage ad preferences via Google Ad Settings or opt-out through the Network Advertising Initiative Opt Out page.

Compliance Statements: In compliance with regulations such as CalOPPA, COPPA, Fair Information Practices, and the CAN-SPAM Act:

  • Users can visit our site anonymously.
  • Our Privacy Policy link, prominently labeled ‘Privacy,’ is easily accessible on our homepage.
  • Users will be informed of any Privacy Policy changes on our Privacy Policy Page.
  • You can update your personal information by contacting us via email.

Other Policies: We honor Do Not Track signals and allow third-party behavioral tracking. However, we do not specifically market to children under 13 years old.

Fair Information Practices: Should a data breach occur, we commit to notifying affected individuals via email and in-site notifications within 7 business days. Individuals retain the right to pursue legal actions against non-compliance.

CAN-SPAM Act Compliance: In accordance with the CAN-SPAM Act, we:

  • Collect email addresses for communication purposes and respect opt-out requests promptly.
  • Clearly label emails as advertisements and provide our physical business address.

Contact Us: If you have any queries regarding this privacy policy, please reach out to us at [email protected].